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We"ve arrived at the 7th anniversary of the U.S.-led advance of the Iraq war.
Theres a enticement as we proceed to finish the fight participation in Iraq to poke for the happy ending. Newsweek, for example, not prolonged ago ran a cover print of President Bush with the barbarous Mission Accomplished ensign in the background, dogmatic that now, finally, we have Victory At Last. But thats an horrible rider of history. We have an requisite to direct on formidable law rather than the versions that have us feel improved about ourselves. Tens of thousands of passed people direct it.
No mission was achieved in Iraq since we went to fight on fake pretenses. We unsuccessful the impulse we invaded.
More than 4,300 American lives. At slightest 95,600 Iraqi civilians dead, with a little estimates some-more than 6 times that number. More than $747 billion outlayed so far, which, total with the outcome on oil prices and with surreptitious costs, helped lead to the mercantile crisis. Reduced, not enhanced, American security.
The Iraq war, similar to the Afghanistan war, is a large box of waste, rascal and abuse.
While the a great thing that President Obama committed to finale the Iraq war, hes ratcheting up a some-more costly Afghanistan fight whilst we"re still disorder from the mercantile stroke of the former. With Al Qaida carrying been driven from the nation and with the augmenting couple participation carrying been met with augmenting assault nation-wide, the transparent that Obamas War, similar to Bushs War, additionally fails to have us safer. We dont have a gangling trillion dollars for invalid war.
Our new video outlines this comfortless anniversary. But, we need your assistance in vouchsafing the administration department department know that we assimilate the repairs finished to Iraq and to the country. We additionally know that there will be no mercantile liberation as prolonged as we"re spending $100 billion a year on an additional fight that doesnt have us safer--the fight in Afghanistan.
Thats because we"re asking everybody to inform the Afghanistan fight as an e.g. of waste, rascal and abuse on the White Houses central mercantile liberation website, Recovery.gov. Simply corkscrew down to the margin noted What and pulp this summary in to the content box:
I"d similar to to inform the rubbish of billions of dollars of the inhabitant resources in Afghanistan on a fight that doesnt have us safer. Its rascal to execute this as a fight that increases the security, and the violent of U.S. infantry and internal civilians to draw towards out this fight any longer. End the fight so we can have genuine mercantile recovery.
You dont have to fill out the total form. Just let them know that you think spending some-more for invalid wars is a transparent e.g. of waste, rascal and abuse of the taxpayer that will criticise mercantile recovery.
Thanks to Bush, the advance and function of Iraq has been a large rubbish of human hold up and treasure. Lets not let the Obama administration department department have the same inapplicable designation again in Afghanistan.
Robert Greenwald is the director/producer of "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdochs War on Journalism," as well as most alternative films. He is a house part of the Independent Media Institute, primogenitor organization.1 &_______________________ |